Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday test shoot with Ring flash

These photographs are from a session to test a new ringlight flash unit. The first photograph in the stairwell was shot with the ringflash. The ringflash lights the entire scene evenly. So you will notice the walls are bright and in other photographs they would be more in shadow.

The second photo was shot in natural light -- no ringflash.
I tend to prefer natural lighting over flash photos because natural light can be more dramatic because of the shadows and the highlights.

The subject is an Altamont native I've known for his entire life -- Ian Ybarra, a 2000 graduate of Labette County High School. Ian studied engineering at MIT and is currently a professional writer living in Boston. His last book was about how companies can better recruit college graduates to work for them (Recruit Or Die - I frequently use him as my test shoot guinea pig when he's home visiting his family.

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